Govt urged to reconsider excise duty on wine, to target pensions instead of hiking VAT
Value-added tax - Latest News
3 hours ago
COSATU says any VAT hike will hurt the poor, says govt should focus on wealthy
14/03, 16:06
DA refusal to back budget the straw that breaks the GNU?
14/03, 15:36
MK Party approaches Progressive Caucus parties to hold joint national shutdown against VAT hike
14/03, 11:12
MK Party planning national shutdown to protest VAT increase
14/03, 04:09
Godongwana returns to Parly to face questions on contentious budget
13/03, 15:56
Mbalula: ANC didn't support corporate tax hike in fear of potential job losses
13/03, 15:39
ANC says voters won't punish party for VAT hike if it stimulates economy, creates jobs
13/03, 13:07
Increase in excise taxes will drive consumers to black market, alcohol industry warns
13/03, 11:55
ANC says proposed increase on VAT was 'carefully considered'
12/03, 18:43
The day that was: Some parties reject budget, Joshlin's disappearance, Philippines' Duterte to ICC
12/03, 17:02
Kwezanamuhla: Isabelo sezimali sonyaka ka2025/26, uqokelwe esikhundleni futhi uPatrice Motsepe
12/03, 16:06
'The budget is not a political battle' - opposition parties react to Budget Speech
12/03, 15:13
Opposition parties criticise Treasury for hiking VAT
12/03, 14:43
Steenhuisen says DA won't back Godongwana's budget in its current form
12/03, 12:46
Godongwana proposes VAT hike of 0.5 percentage points for 2025 and 2026
12/03, 11:49
VAT hike question hangs over Godongwana as he makes second attempt at Budget Speech
12/03, 10:51
DA accuses ANC of being modern-day oppressor over proposed VAT hike
12/03, 10:50
Organisations protesting any suggested VAT hike ahead of Budget Speech
12/03, 09:29
DA insists no agreement on way forward on Godongwana Budget Speech
12/03, 06:30
Treasury paying price for govt decision to hike public sector wages: Big business
12/03, 05:42
National Treasury warned VAT hike won’t solve budget crisis
12/03, 04:33
Budget Speech: Some economists believe VAT increase still possible
11/03, 14:47
MALAIKA MAHLATSI: A gendered analysis is absent in the VAT debate
11/03, 14:26
Facilities for abused women and children bracing for devastating consequences if VAT hiked - National Shelter Movement
11/03, 04:07
MK Party threatens to bring SA to a standstill if VAT is hiked
10/03, 17:18